Variable Air Volume (VAV) Terminals with Electric Re-Heat Elements shall be Holyoake Model HCV-EH Single Duct Electric Re-Heat VAV Terminals shall be constructed from galvanised steel casing with 25mm acoustic high density polyester insulation. Each VAV Terminal shall incorporate a low leakage HCD-75 airfoil blade aluminium control damper with self inflating blade edge seals and flexible aluminium side seals. Damper shafts shall be 11mm hexagonal pivoted in two piece acetal self lubricating bearings. VAV Inlet connection shall be either square or round and sized with an inlet velocity of not greater than 10m/s. The Electric Re-Heat assembly shall comply with A.S. 1668, Part 1-1998. The combined leakage of the closed damper and high pressure casing shall not exceed 2% of maximum rated flow at 750 Pa inlet static pressure. VAV Terminals shall be furnished with flow averaging pressure differential velocity sensor of the PDI type as manufactured by Holyoake.
Download files
- Revit 2019 VAV Terminal with Electric Re-Heat TDF Duct Connection inlet-outlet (Login to download)
- Revit 2020 VAV Terminal with Electric Re-Heat TDF Duct Connection inlet-outlet (Login to download)